Salvaging the beauty left behind (2022)

Nowadays, AI image generators such as DALL-E and Midjourney, which generate high-definition images from text, are widely used. Such services prohibit generating sexual or grotesque images and do not accept related words. However, as sexuality has been one of the dominant themes of art since ancient times, there must be not only the obscene and ugly but also the aesthetic in these regulated concepts, even though it may go against conventional morality. 

This work is a 3D-printed sculpture created by inputting sentences with words prohibited by DALL-E into an AI model that constructs 3D data from sentences. By using sexual words in some of the sentences, physical curvilinear beauty emerged on the surfaces of the 3D data. Through this project, we tried to materialize a specific type of beauty, which can be restricted by the ban on certain words by a handful of companies.

Keito Takaishi, Asuka Ishii, Kazufumi Shibuya

・[Exhibition] MUSES EX MACHINA – AIが映し出す人と創造性の未来 at ICC アニュアル 2022 生命的なものたち (2022.9.13 – 2023.1.15 at NTTインターコミュニケーション・センター [ICC] )
・[Conference / Award] Artwork Spotlights at Machine Learning for Creativity and Design – NeurIPS 2022 Workshop (2022.12.9 at Virtual – )