Multi-Motion Crossfader: Human Tracking DJ Mix System by Crowd Reading
Yuga Kobayashi, Ryo Nishikado
概要 / Abstract
“Multi-Motion-Crossfader” is a prototype of a DJ mixer that reflects the movements of the audience on the dancefloor. The AI-based mixer automatically moves the crossfader to the side, which has a larger number of people so that the audience can influence the mix.
We started this project to stimulate the audience interactions with DJs, and we are planning to put this into the real club settings. For that, we are using “PoseNet” machine learning model that can be used to estimate the pose of a person which anyone who has laptops can use it.
システム構成 / System
1. PoseNetによる人数認識(例) / Human count using PoseNet (ex.)

2. DJミックスに反映 / Influence the DJ Mix

→DJミックス(左側)/ DJ Mixing (Left)

三鷹 Mitakanovaでの展示にて / At Mitakanova, Mitaka